Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Thank you for considering submitting your work to the Annals of Case Reports and Medical Images. To ensure the smooth processing of your submission, please follow the guidelines below:

  1. Manuscript Preparation:
    • Title: The title should be concise, informative, and reflect the content of the case report.
    • Abstract: Provide a structured abstract of no more than 250 words, including sections for Background, Case Presentation, Conclusion, and Keywords (3-6 keywords).
    • Introduction: Briefly introduce the context and significance of the case report.
    • Case Presentation: Describe the case comprehensively, including patient demographics, clinical history, physical examination findings, laboratory results, imaging studies, and any other relevant information.
    • Case Reports: The journal publishes well-documented and thoroughly analyzed case reports that showcase unusual or rare medical conditions, atypical presentations of common diseases, and instances where innovative diagnostic or therapeutic approaches were employed. These case reports provide detailed information about the patient's clinical history, examination findings, diagnostic workup, treatment, and outcome.
    • Medical Images: The journal features medical images that are visually striking and diagnostically informative. These images may include radiographs, computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, histopathological images, and other diagnostic imaging modalities. Medical images are often accompanied by explanatory text to aid in understanding the significance of the visual findings.
    • Review Articles: In addition to case reports, the Annals of Case Reports and Medical Images occasionally publishes review articles that provide an overview of specific medical conditions, diagnostic approaches, or treatment modalities related to the field of radiology and medical imaging.
    • Editorials and Commentaries: The journal may include editorials and commentaries written by experts in the field, addressing relevant and timely topics, discussing recent advancements, or offering perspectives on current issues in medical imaging and case reporting.
    • Discussion: Analyze and interpret the case, discussing its uniqueness, diagnostic challenges, treatment approaches, and outcomes. Compare your findings with relevant literature.
    • Conclusion: Summarize the key takeaways from the case report and their clinical implications.
    • References: Cite relevant sources using a Vancouver citation style. Ensure accuracy and completeness in your reference list.
  2. Manuscript Format:
    • Use Times New Roman or Arial font.
    • Double-space the entire manuscript.
    • Use 1-inch margins on all sides.
    • Number pages consecutively in the top right corner.
    • Include line numbers for the entire manuscript.
  3. Figures and Tables:
    • Submit high-quality figures and tables with captions. Ensure all patient identifiers are removed.
    • Indicate the desired placement of figures and tables within the manuscript.
  4. Ethics and Patient Consent:
    • Ensure that you have obtained written informed consent from the patient (or their guardian) for the publication of any identifiable information, images, or case details.
    • Clearly state in the manuscript that informed consent has been obtained.
  5. Submission Process:
    • Submit your manuscript online through the journal's submission system, following the instructions provided on the journal's website.
    • Include a cover letter briefly explaining the significance of the case report and why it should be considered for publication in the Annals of Case Reports and Medical Images.
  6. Peer Review:
    • All submissions will undergo a peer-review process. Be prepared to address reviewer comments and revisions.
  7. Publication Fee:
    • Check the journal's website for any publication fees or waivers
  8. Copyright:
    • Authors may be required to transfer copyright to the journal. Review the journal's policies on copyright and licensing.
  9. Open Access:
    • The Annals of Case Reports and Medical Images may offer open access options. Check the journal's website for details.
  10. Contact Information:
    • Include contact information for all authors, including institutional affiliations and email addresses.